You are worthy and deserve to be happy. Living under a cloud of constant stress and drama, being depressed and anxious, you can’t think straight, make smart decisions, get healthy or be productive. The heartbreak of feeling unwanted and unloved can actually kill you.

I’ll teach you all the tricks to putting yourself first, saying No, dealing with toxic relationships, breaking free of people-pleasing and procrastination so you can take baby steps to get healthier effortlessly. Join as a founder member and pay the lowest price of $7/month.

1 Month of Love Your Way to Wellness Membership with Andrea

This membership includes:

  • 1 live monthly Zoom call call on every first Thursday at varied times
  • 1 recording of monthly Zoom call
  • Invitation to livecast show – Cooking Up Confidence with Andrea Amador – a live cooking/coaching show focused on inspiring you to think bigger about your life as you learn to cook delicious meatless dishes and treats to help you gradually get healthier
  • 1 recorded video of livecasted event – Cooking Up Confidence with Andrea Amador
  • Invitation to livecast – You Can Do It Virtual Walk live – live video tips designed to get you excited about becoming more active.
  • 1 recorded video of livecasted event – You Can Do It Virtual Walk live

    Support group forum

Pay $1 for 14 day trial membership.



My Story

Hi I’m Andrea Amador

I am a Women’s Empowerment Coach and a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Ericksonian Hypnosis. Basically that’s a way of saying that I have been professionally trained to coach women and teach them how to be self-compassionate, resilient and courageous so they can rise above the hardship in their lives. 

As a survivor of abuse I spent many decades thinking and acting like a victim, then later working on my own healing. For nearly 18 years I had my therapist’s number on speed dial.

In 2004 I learned about EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, a powerful stress-relief process that enabled me to free myself from many abusive environments. I vowed to teach other women to use it to recognize their self-worth and prioritize their self-care so they can also create confidence out of chaos and rise above any challenge.



A Getting Started Guide

EFT Tapping is a simple, quick do-it-yourself stress-relief method that has been clinically proven to release emotional and physical pain. 

Join me the first Thursday of every month for a Zoom video call to discover how tapping can help you gain clarity, be more confident, break bad habits, tame your inner critic and get you excited about all the possibilities for your life you never knew existed. 


“As a recovering cancer patient, Andrea Amador, The Juicy Woman, holds a special place in my heart. I had just wanted to give up, after having both ovarian cancer and breast cancer with yet another biopsy to face. In an NLP class when she offered to be my coach. 

I started working with her by attending her free Juicy Woman Party Calls where we learned about emotional freedom technique (EFT) tapping to lose weight. Even though I wasn’t so sure that this would work for me, I found her words, kindness, and ideas were a huge support to me in many ways, more than I can count. 

For beginners, I noticed I started caring more about myself and thus, took more interest in the environment I had been living in. I once more started making my bed, washing the dishes, and actually started looking at my bills and sorting out the mail every day. Hurrah! Progress continues almost daily. I am actually catching up with taxes, and applying for financial assistance as I play the tape daily that she made for our class. 

Perhaps, even more important, one day I realized I looked attractive and got dressed for myself. I don’t think I even did that before cancer. 

In working with Andrea, I find really important changes happening. I am eating better, dealing with depression that kicked in with chemo and getting to some of the root causes that I believe contributed to the cancer that I had. Since it is so important to me now to find the best support I can to live in a good and healthy way, I am grateful to have Andrea as part of my support team and do recommend her to others. 

Having had cancer has had a profound effect on me and I am determined to make every day count! The challenge to return to a full life, at times, has been overwhelming. There have been steps forward and sometimes setbacks. Andrea, with her support and support groups for changing one’s life as well as the tools and resources she offers has clearly helped me make giant steps forward with excitement and fun. 

Thank-you Andrea for all you have given to me.” 

– Dr. Clair Rubin, New York City


“Andrea is as passionate about empowering women as she is compassionate with them. There have been many days when that cynical little voice in my head left me hesitant and inactive. Andrea was genuinely non-judgmental and supportive, I felt validated. She’s who you want on the other end of the line when faced with a hurdle. With Andrea, you’ll discover that you can trust yourself.” 

– Marie, mom of twins, white plains, NY