Hello Juicy Woman,

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you being a reader of this blog. I really love the fact that you’re here and that you’re willing to be curious and find out how to make peace with food and friends with your body. It’s certainly not easy by any stretch of the imagination, especially when the mirror, your clothes, the scale, you and Heaven forbid sometimes even other people tell you that you’re too fat. It’s a constant challenge that has little to do with what you eat. It’s all about controlling what’s eating you! Stress!

As I told you before, I wrote my book so that you would have the opportunity to learn from my ‘mistakes.’ It would be a crying shame if you just decided to stop dieting or watching your weight like a hawk, one day and went full tilt boogie, eating everything that isn’t nailed down, and like me, went on to gain 35 extra pounds, hating yourself every step of the way. I don’t want that to happen to you, and if it already has, then I want you to know that I’m here to give you a hand to help you climb out of the hole.

Believe me, I have so much to teach you so that you won’t fall into the same potholes I did. The road to getting thinner, either with or without dieting is filled with obstacles and challenges. That’s why I’ve dedicated myself to being here to support you every step of the way.

I wanted to write this personal note to you to assure you that I’m here for you; to help you make peace with food and friends with your body. I’m deeply committed to doing that, because to my way of thinking there’s nothing more blissful than to be able to feel totally flinch-free safe around all food.

Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to have all the goodies you love surrounding you every single day. How cool would it be if you knew that you were able to walk past that box of Entenmann’s cake on the kitchen counter without feeling the need to take “just one more sliver?” What would it be like if you really knew that you could eat just one potato chip, scoop of ice cream or a piece of your favorite chocolate and without thinking like you’re going to die of deprivation, just put the rest away?

Let me help you gain that confidence so that you know you’re in control and the food isn’t. There’s no better self esteem booster in the world than to know that you’re not the bottomless pit of hunger you think you are. I want to give you that. And the best way for me to do that is to get to know what you need.

I am just getting started sharing the value of my combined experience and expertise. There’s a lot more that I’m going to be offering you and showing you in the coming weeks. My plan is to continue to create products and programs designed to solve your biggest challenges. Let’s help one another. Shall we?

Let me hear from you. Click on the comments below and please tell me a bit more about yourself so that I can get to know you better or if you prefer, let’s just chat. I’d love to speak with you via Skype and find out more about how I can best support you. I look forward to touching base with you again really soon.

Much love,
