A couple of weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to learn more about Dr. Maxwell Maltz’, “Psycho Cybernetics exercises and put his visualization methods to the test. I had spoken with a dear friend of mine who retired from a wildly successful career as a famous concert violinist for many years. She explained to me that she had cut her teeth on Maltz’ work and had used it exclusively to overcome severe stage fright and to master her craft by using her brain to visualize practicing her music to perfection.

This fascinated me. I wanted to put Maltz’ exercises to use in my own life. Lately, I’ve been busy working on another program for women to graduate beyond my current Losing Weight without Dieting Program. The basis of it will be to learn how to construct the self image and re-create a more useful slimmer image. Stay tuned for further developments.

In the past, I had done various forms of visualization based on having a visual or auditory cue to guide me along the process. However in practicing Dr. Maltz strategies, I noticed a distinct lack of focus on my part and I automatically jumped to the conclusion that I was not good at visualizing and made an appointment to coach with my NLP guru, and trainer/instructor, Kevin Creedon.

As I sat down in his office, I proceeded to explain my dilemma and why I was unable to focus on my outcome image for an extended period of time. He nodded his head in understanding and said, “Andrea, you don’t have any problem visualizing.” The problem is with traditional visualization exercises, you are only using a single part of your brain.

He went on to explain the different elements of our brain and how they each played a role in our ability to envision our outome by tapping into our mental abilities. He said,

“You’re only using part of your brain with traditional visualization. We have the Brain in our head, the Cortex, neocortex, the brainstem and all that stuff. Then we have another brain that rests right on top of our heart, this brain starts working before the other one does then we have a third brain, a very, very, very thin one. So narrow that it was just recently discovered about 9 years ago. This is called the Enteric brain.” He then guided me to try something out.

Kevin led me to cover my eyes, heart and stomach in sequence. He explained that each one of these parts of our bodies are connected with another aspect of our brains, or separate brains as he considered them.

I offer you one caveat. This is best to be kept as an experiential process, however in the interest of sharing it with you, I’ll tell you a bit more of what he guided me to do. Kevin said,

“Close your eyes and pick a specific image to visualize and see it the way that you want and I want you to remind yourself that this image doesn’t mean anything.” For me, this was the absolute kicker. Suddenly what I was trying to visualize just crystallized beautifully. I realized that I was trying too hard.

Then he directed me to visualize or see it with the different parts of my body; my heart, my head and my intuition or gut. I taught this process to a few women on yesterday’s Juicy Woman Fabulous, Fit and Free Call. They ended up the hour with some unique insights. You may enjoy learning a trick or two that will boost your ability to visualize what you want. Here’s the link. Enjoy listening and next week come and play with us. Join the call and get the invitation information. Don’t miss it.