When an actor prepares for a role or a speaker gets ready for a presentation, they spend time rehearsing and practicing before the actual event. You can use this same method to create your average day.

To pre-pave your day, try this simple exercise:

When you wake up in the morning, spend a few minutes sitting quietly with your eyes closed, visualize how you want the day to go. See yourself smiling as you float throughout your day, meeting and greeting people, learning new things and feeling good about yourself as you step along in your day. Get as specific as you like. You may want to see yourself eating the foods you love with a different appreciation, savoring each bite and eating smaller portions without trying.

In 2004, after I saw the movie, “What the Bleep Do We Know,” I was hungry for more information on how the power of our thoughts created such momentum in our lives. In my quest for more information, I purchased a tape called, Create Your Day. It better explains the mechanics of creating your day. However, be forewarned. Its source is spiritually based. If that is not a right fit for you, then you may like to learn a more practical approach.

Back in February of 2005, I wrote a post called, Mental Rehearsal: Visualize Yourself A Winner At Weight Control. It explains how to use this technique in detail.

Since thought is energy, you can direct and create your day as you want to. Science has proven that our brains can not tell the difference between an imagined thought and reality, that means that the thought time that you invest at the beginning of your day is like making footsteps in the sand.

You’ll notice that after you sit in thought for those few minutes, that it will become more natural and easier to just act out the movie that you just “pictured” in your mind’s eye.

Please test this out for yourself and share your experiences with me. I’d love to know how this has worked for you.