Recently I finished reading a brilliant book by a woman named Tammy Bechtel. The title of the book is Mind-Body Connection: The Art of Language for Weight Loss.

In addition to being an author, Tammy is an expert communicator connecting the mind to the body as it relates to who you are being about weight loss. She also does one on one consultations and presentations.

In her book, “Mind-Body Connection: The Art of Language for Weight Loss“, Tammy mentions many ways that our language inhibits our ability to lose weight. She believes that if we are always thinking fat, then we will never be thin. She says that we create our own realities in our minds about how we are being and consequently what we do depends upon what we think about ourselves and that affects how we relate to the world.

After her third pregnancy, Tammy was 260 pounds. Although she was tall, she realized that this was not the weight that she wanted to be. This was her saturation point where she couldn’t stand the way that she was any longer and it meant that not doing anything about her weight was more painful than doing something to change it.

Seeking answers and help, Tammy began to notice a pattern of self hatred in her language that was filled with anger and resignation. It was brutal and had damaged her self esteem for a large portion of her life. She realized that up until now, this language had helped her to manifest this result in her life, and that by holding to this pattern of self talk, it would probably keep her in a cycle of continued weight gain and more misery.

Determined to make a change, she became curious about how it would affect her life to think of herself differently. She realized that through her thoughts she had created a certain reality, the results of which led her to be fat, unhealthy, weak and unable to exercise. She decided to take full ownership of the choices that she had made up until now.

When she began her experiment into changing the way that she thought about herself, she was 260 pounds. Within the first two months of doing this, she had lost 5 pounds without changing anything about her eating or activity level. She noticed that the more that she believed herself to be a strong and powerful person, the more she began acting that way.

Within a short time, her habits changed and she began to act effortlessly like a person who was strong and powerful. She decided that she wanted to join a gym. Without any struggle or structured rigid diet plans, Tammy began to choose to eat foods that were lighter and made her energy soar. She stopped thinking about foods as being good or bad and eliminated the thinking that did not serve her. At the time of her writing this book, Tammy shares that she has lost 1/3 of her weight by using this approach of simply changing her language.

Now I ask you. What would happen if you believed that you could change your weight by simply telling yourself something different? If you are willing to explore the limitations and beliefs that don’t serve you and take ownership to change that thinking then you can also appreciate the benefits of being able to lose weight without dieting, just like Tammy. If you want some support and guidance in this process, then I encourage you to join my next 6 week group coaching teleclass series called Losing Weight without Dieting starting Tuesday, May 15.