Just wanted to let you know of a sweet treat that I’ve got in store just for you.

If you’re a gal who’s sick and tired of yo-yo dieting, ready to get off the diet rollercoaster and desperately seeking to make peace with all foods, then this is an offer you won’t be able to resist!

I’ve created a program called Losing Weight Without Dieting that will help you transform the relationship that you have to food and your body. No kidding! Don’t believe me, listen to a few of my satisfied clients, Linda, Jewel, and Kari. They loved the program.

It was so successful that I’m doing it again. This time, I’ve decided to run a contest to find one lucky winner to join my next Losing Weight Without Dieting program valued at $397 absolutely free! Here are the details.

All you need to do to become eligible is the following:


1. If you haven’t already signed up for The Juicy Woman Fabulous, Fit and Free Call, please do so now.

2. Sign up on this blog to get automatic blog updates each time I post. Just put your name and email address in the box on the top right that says, Sign Up Here and I’ll Let You Know When I Post.”

3. Compose an essay of 400 words or less describing what you expect to get out of the Losing Weight Without Dieting Program. What will it mean to you to put dieting behind you and eat what you love and lose weight naturally?

4. Send your essay to me at [email protected]. I will then post it on this blog.

5. Invite other women to read your entry on the blog and ask them to leave a comment on your entry.

6. The entrant with the greatest number of relevant comments connected to their post will be the winner of this $397 scholarship.


The contest will end on Friday, February 9 at 12:00 Midnight Eastern.  The results will be posted on Monday, February 12 and announced on that day’s Juicy Woman Fabulous, Fit and Free Call.

Good Luck To You!