Confronting Crisis, Chaos and Covid’s Cravings: When Food Calls Your Name and You Don’t Have the Strength to Say, “No”

Confronting Crisis, Chaos and Covid’s Cravings: When Food Calls Your Name and You Don’t Have the Strength to Say, “No”

What do you do when food calls your name and you just don’t have the strength to say “No?” It’s entirely up to you, but I’ve learned that trying to control my eating without confronting what I’m feeling during a crisis, is a promise...
Nine Bags of Chips: My Cry for Independence

Nine Bags of Chips: My Cry for Independence

Do you try to keep the foods you love at arms’ distance in an attempt to avoid temptation? How is it working for you? I lived for years in fear of food, swearing on a stack of bibles that I couldn’t be trusted around food. Do you ever feel that way? Can...
Why Can’t You Just Stop Eating?

Why Can’t You Just Stop Eating?

Have you ever had one of those days when your “Give a Damn” button is broken and you truly just don’t give a damn? You’re just going to eat whatever the hell you want. Don’t Call It Food Greed Some people take a pretty hard line on...