How upsetting is it when you’re in a public place and something just pulls your trigger, and all of a sudden you’re freakin’ out or someone says or does something that just knocks you on your butt, making you feel absolutely overwhelmed and powerless?

There’s probably nothing worse than feeling like your hands are literally tied and there isn’t anything that you can do about the way you feel. Sucks right?

Maybe it’s a question of dealing with getting rejected, or coping with an annoying or difficult person, facing a fear or doing something that you don’t feel confident enough to do.

One of my favorite stress-relief techniques that doesn’t require any hands-on effort is called The Z Point Process. It was created by Canadian Hypnotherapist, Grant Connolly. It’s another energy psychology stress relief tool that works like magic to change the way that you feel almost instantly.

Z Point Process is without a doubt one of my favorite hands-free ways of doing just that. First let me tell you of one of the most memorable ways I’ve used it and then I’ll teach you how to do it yourself.

Sometimes You’re Just so Damned Mad…

One day I was driving to confront someone because the consequence of something they did created so much stress I could barely think straight.

As I began to notice that I was so angry my body was shaking I realized that I was driving like a lunatic. I couldn’t stop the car because I was heading down a hill with no shoulder with traffic behind me.

To instantly calm my nerves, I decided to use Z Point Process™ to take the edge off of my anger. I knew that I had to release the energy of my overwhelmed emotions and put myself back into a state of resourcefulness in order to handle the situation ahead of me with a cool head. Z Point Process is a way of shifting your energy and your thoughts through the use of repeating a cue word followed by a series of intentional clearing statements.

Frustrated out of my mind, I shouted  clearing statements at the top of my lungs as I banged on the steering wheel, followed by my cue word. At one point, I remember saying “I clear all the ways I wish I could stick forks in her eyes, I hate her so much.” As I repeated my cue word, I was struck by the horror of what I had just said.

In that moment, I realized that I wasn’t really that angry anymore and didn’t want to do any harm to anyone. I just wanted what I wanted. I was basically having a temper tantrum. In an instant, just like a balloon had popped, my mad-on disappeared and I began laughing, realizing the insanity of what I had said. I continued to repeat clearing statements to relieve the feelings of guilt that I had about saying what I did. By the time, I arrived at my destination, I was as cool as a cucumber and the situation was resolved easily. From that day on, I have never doubted the effectiveness of Z Point Process™ for in-the-moment relief. My best advice to you is to say whatever is on your mind. Don’t even think about cleaning it up and censoring yourself. Get down and dirty and feel the intensity of your feelings. Let it all go. That’s what will really create the momentum necessary for it to work. Here’s how you can get the same relief too.

How Z Point Process™ Works

Z Point Process™ is based on a Healing Program that you read once and then it is activated by a cue word that you choose. Your cue word functions like a broom in your subconscious mind sweeping out the old programming and making way for the new.

Think of your cue word as a flashlight aiming your focus on what you want to change. Once you’ve chosen it, you will repeat it several times after saying clearing statements intended to keep you focused on “the problem.”
Consider that every thought you have is connected to an emotion that lives in your body. You can use Z Point Process™  to let go of your attachment to whatever is bugging you. This will instantly create a shift in the way you feel. This mental down shift will then cause many of your old limiting beliefs supporting your “problem” to collapse, leaving you with lots more Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhs in your life.

Basic Z Point Process™ Protocol:

In the story I shared, you heard me speak of using clearing statements, these are just declarations of how you feel and sensations in your body that you want to release. Use the following template to create your clearing statements:

Step 1. “I clear all the ways I feel _________________.” Just fill in the
blank describing how you really feel, i.e., (depressed, angry, sad, hurt,
intimidated, frustrated, cut off at the knees, resentful, jealous, etc.) Repeat
cue word 10-15 times.

There is more to it and you can go into clearing the patterns, emotions and reasons, but I find that the simplest approach is best. If you want the whole magilla, it’s in my book, “Lovin’ the Skin You’re In” which is available on Amazon.

After using Z Point Process™ for a while, many people report feeling so much more calm and relaxed, enjoying more harmony and happiness in their lives. Many notice improvements in their relationships with their families, bosses, co-workers, friends, and even strangers. That’s because Z Point Process™ gives you access to a much more Zen state of mind.

Many people love it because it creates an almost instant delightful feeling of well-being in minutes without having to meditate, focus or chant for hours.
I have found it to be incredibly effective and very pleasant in its peaceful approach.  One client said, “It’s so comforting, it’s better than a warm shower and a teddy bear.” As with all of the energy coaching techniques, after a good session, you’ll feel so relaxed, you may just feel the need to settle down and take a nap after the process.

The Cue Word

To get started, you have to choose a cue word. I recommend choosing a word that already has a positive feeling or image associated with it—one syllable is best.  You can choose anything you like, but keep in mind that you’ll be repeating this word many times.  I suggest that you choose one that rolls off your tongue quickly and easily so that you can repeat it without stumbling. My word is Juicy.  One of my clients chose the word, Love. Another likes the word yes, and yet another gravitates to the word, Cocoa. You decide what’s best for you. Make certain that you avoid choosing words that have strong emotional attachments such as “money” or “sex.” Grant suggests starting with the cue word, “Yes.”

Now that you’ve got your cue word, you will insert it in the blanks when reading the healing program below. Reading it aloud is best.

The Healing Program

The following Healing program provides the necessary instructions to your subconscious mind. It only needs to be read one time. If you ever decide to change your cue word, just repeat the program with the new word inserted.

Repeat the following:

“I hereby set a powerful intention within you, my subconscious mind, to effect the best of all possible outcomes by this and every clearing, and that each time I notice a pattern or patterns I wish to eliminate as I say or think my cue word, you will eliminate all such patterns and components of patterns completely and safely, and each time I repeat my cue word in sequence like a mantra, you will eliminate and completely resolve and release whatever pattern or patterns I put my attention on, releasing everything about it, everything that relates to it, and everything that has resulted from it, and you will do so gently and easily always ensuring that the pattern or patterns being released never return.”