In order to make any worthwhile change, it is going to take some time. When we decide to give up dieting and embrace intuitive eating, it is a big step and in order for it to really stick, you have to be willing to let it take time.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that your old diet way of thinking has led you to think in terms of black and white, good or bad. By clearing the cobwebs of your mind and uncluttering your relationship with food by ditching the diet mentality, you are freeing parts of yourself that have been bound up for a long time, parts that only felt free when you were eating or obsessing about food.
If you’re sitting on the fence wondering if it’s time to get off the diet roller coaster once and for all or buckle down and find a diet that suits you, then sign up for my article, “To Diet or Not to Diet: A Review of Diet vs. Non Diet Weight Loss. Email me at [email protected] and I’ll send it to you.
If you are also looking for additional support along the path of weight loss, come join my next free weekly Juicy Woman Fabulous, Fit and Free Call. We’ll be talking about how your family’s’ beliefs about food has influenced your relationship to food and your body. More importantly, we’ll be talking about what you can do about it so that you can wipe your slate clean and get rid of that excess weight. Register here to get the call invitation.
Can’t wait to hear you on the call.