If you’re a gal seeking a solution to your never ending hunger, don’t change what you’re eating, Deal with what’s eating you! Join Andrea Amador, The Juicy Woman, author of the book, “Lovin’ the Skin You’re In: The Juicy Woman’s Guide to Making Peace with Food and Friends with Your Body and learn a safe and sane way to get thinner without ever dieting again.


  • Are you reaching for food when you’re not hungry?
  • Looking in the fridge for something to munch just a couple hours after you’ve eaten?
  • Do you sometimes feel like your hunger is a bottomless pit?

Don’t fret. You are not alone and I can help you to discover what you really need.
Maybe it’s food, maybe it’s not. More than likely it is something other than hunger that is knocking at the door and driving your urges to eat.

It may look like hunger, it also may feel like hunger but it’s probably not real hunger.

Join my next Juicy Woman Curvy and Confident Call and we’ll be talking about practical strategies that you can use to decode those curiously uncomfortable body sensations. You’ll get a tool called The Hunger Discovery Scale which will help you to get a sense of how hungry you are. I’ll also tell you about the four faces of hunger and how you can get to know each of them and serve them without being a slave.

Join in the call and let’s discuss some of your experiences around those bugger hungers.
Take the next few days and pay attention to your desire to nibble or graze when you know beyond a shadow of doubt that you are not hungry. Tune in to those feelings.

Notice when do they occur. How do they show up in your body?
Do they pop up at inappropriate times or is it like a dull sensation that never quite goes away?

Bring ’em all to the party and let’s unpack them one at a time. Come to the call ready to play and put on your creative hat. You’re now an Offical Hunger Hunter. Let’s get to the bottom of that seemingly bottomless hunger. Shall we?

Click on the link below to register:

How to End the Hungries: When is Being Hungry Not Really Being Hungry?

hungry, end emotional eating, food obsession, Andrea Amador, The Juicy Woman