If you are a woman who is ready, willing and able to give up dieting in order to appreciate the benefits of losing weight effortlessly and naturally without pills, powders, gadgets or gizmos, then you may want to learn how to become an Intuitive Eater.
Intuitive Eating is a natural process that requires you to relearn how to cue into your body’s hunger and satiety signals informing you to eat when you’re hungry and stop before you are full. The ultimate success of using this process for weight loss rests on the individuals’s ability to recognize new resources for coping with the emotions that have in the past driven them to eat. IE is a non diet approach to losing weight that is typically used in the treatment of people suffering with eating disorders. However it only deals with eliminating feelings of deprivation by empowering you to eat food again. This process does not specifically deal with the emotions that drive you to eat.
Perhaps you’ve already tried a form of non diet eating on your own with only the support of a book or a CD, and felt frustrated because you wanted and needed more support.
Maybe in your quest to become an Intuitive or ‘Attuned’ Eater, you have joined some of the other great Yahoo groups especially for Intuitive Eaters and despite all the wonderful guidance and useful information, you found that you were unable to deal with the overwhelming feelings that drove you to eat. You may be gaining weight unable to get control of your eating. Maybe you’re struggling with Intuitive Eating right now and perhaps you’ve been considering giving up and going back on a diet. Stop!!!
I can help you! Before you make that rash decision that is sure to further frustrate you, take a moment and visit my new Juicy Woman Forum. I’ve relocated the Juicy Woman forum to a Yahoo group. There I share with my members methods and strategies that will help you deal with those raging emotions that make you obsess about food.
You’ll find it packed with energy coaching tips and tools, challenges and other goodies all specially designed with your needs in mind to help you to gracefully navigate all the pitfalls that occur with attempting to learn how to eat intuitively and losing weight without dieting.
By using energy coaching tools like EFT and NLP, you will significantly be able to shorten your learning curve and become more easily adept at becoming an intuitive eater without turning it into just another diet.