“Not tonight, honey. I have a headache” How many times have you used that very phrase or some other variation on that theme, as a sneaky way of getting out of being intimate or having sex? Not tonight, honey,… ! I’ll bet dollars to donuts we’ve all said that and can relate to not being in the mood, feeling pressured, and not being up to it. But what happens when, “Not tonight, honey” becomes your mantra?

Energetically speaking, having a lack of desire for sex means that something is out of balance and your energy is not in alignment. In her book, “The Good Girl’s Guide to Bad Girl Sex: An Indispensable Guide to Pleasure and Seduction, author and Ph.D., Barbara Keesling, says, “ it is important that you start viewing your sexual appetite similarly to your physical appetite. Your sexual hunger is as natural as your physical hunger. Your sexual hunger is an innate part of who you are as a human being.”

Do you apologize for being hungry or having an appetite and wanting to eat to survive? Most likely not, because you recognize that you have to eat to live, and as we already know, food is a huge source of pleasure, but many times we feel inhibited by our sexual appetite. How many guys do you know who apologize for being horny? Probably not a single one.

In fact a guy who says that he needs sex more often, is often considered a “stud” by his buddies and admired and respected, yet a woman who makes the same claim is considered to be sick, a slut or a freak, even if she’s married.

Dr. Keesling says, “Can you die from not having Bad Girl sex? Not exactly, but every time you have sex and you know it isn’t as hot, as horny, as “bad” as you know it could be, I believe a little piece of you fades away.

Your sexual hunger, vitality, and fulfillment are crucial contributors to your existing as a fully alive, fully functioning, and fully realized woman. It’s as obvious as the clitoris between your legs that sex should be a source of great pleasure and enjoyment for you.

So I ask you again: What’s stopping you? What’s getting in your way? Why aren’t you comfortable being just a little bit more “Bad?”