Avoid Plus Size Fitting Room Frustrations: 4 Insider Tips for Satisfying Clothing Shopping Trips

Avoid Plus Size Fitting Room Frustrations: 4 Insider Tips for Satisfying Clothing Shopping Trips

Clothes shopping at any stage of the shape shifting/size changing game should be an enjoyable time for every woman. It’s an opportunity to clear your head, give yourself space and time away from work or the fam to enjoy seeing yourself from a fresh and fabulous...
Stop Shaming Yourself for Overeating

Stop Shaming Yourself for Overeating

Let’s talk about food and overeating, because I’ll venture a guess that you’re beating up on yourself for falling into the ice cream, binging out on chocolates or having that third plate of pasta. Right? Everybody overeats sometimes. It’s...

Are You Calling Yourself Names? – Join the weekly Sexy At Every Size Call and Get Your Sassy Back

  Are you calling yourself names? When you look in the mirror or get on a scale, do you berate yourself for being overweight? Doing that will only make you feel worse about yourself and you’ll end up caught in a perpetual cycle of overeating and feeling...

4 Hot Confidence-Building Tips to Bust Out of Body Shame

Most women, regardless of their size are insecure about their bodies. If you can relate to the struggle of being ashamed and frustrated, feeling tempted to hide yourself behind as much fabric as possible I want to turn you on to 4 of my favorite hot...