Are You Calling Yourself Names? – Join the weekly Sexy At Every Size Call and Get Your Sassy Back

  Are you calling yourself names? When you look in the mirror or get on a scale, do you berate yourself for being overweight? Doing that will only make you feel worse about yourself and you’ll end up caught in a perpetual cycle of overeating and feeling...

5 Tips to Break Out of Scale Jail

Do you feel compelled to weigh yourself all the time because you’re heavier than you want to be? Are you sick and tired of having your scale tell you how you’re entitled to feel and what kind of day you’re going to have? Your scale isn’t your...

4 Hot Confidence-Building Tips to Bust Out of Body Shame

Most women, regardless of their size are insecure about their bodies. If you can relate to the struggle of being ashamed and frustrated, feeling tempted to hide yourself behind as much fabric as possible I want to turn you on to 4 of my favorite hot...
A Bread Insensitivity For Me Means To Live Pain Free, I Choose to Be Wheat-Free

A Bread Insensitivity For Me Means To Live Pain Free, I Choose to Be Wheat-Free

Do you sometimes feel pain in your joints when you walk down a flight of steps? Maybe you’re thinking that those types of aches and pains come with the territory of getting older. I used to believe that too because my Nana suffered from arthritis for years and...