This morning I finally stepped on the scale after what must have been a 4 month hiatus from my daily habit of weighing myself. The number wasn’t shocking in fact I already knew it, down to the pound; 198.

Before I began the Intuitive Eating process without using any energy coaching, tapping or visualization, it was 177. That means that in 10 months of just eating what I wanted whenever I wanted it cost me a full 20 pound gain. Looking back in retrospect, I see that as an investment and I wouldn’t change the experience of freedom from dieting for the world. Today I have more control with my eating than ever before. I can trust myself around all foods and I credit Intuitive Eating with that.

However I now know without a doubt that it is better to add the energy coaching tools along with the Intuitive Eating. It changes the whole dynamic of the process.

I’ve learned the hard way that although Intuitive Eating works, you can wait until the cows come home to begin seeing results on the scale, especially if you just use the basic tools of eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re satisfied.

Our bodies can trick us into thinking that we’re hungry when we’re really not. You may even experience pains in your stomach or head and feel the gnawing sensation of hunger, yet it is not food that you need. It is something else.

In my upcoming group coaching teleclass series, Losing Weight without Dieting Program, you learn what that something else is. You will learn new ways of looking at food, your body and your life. Using an inside out approach, you can change your life by opening a door to your soul. When you learn that you can trust yourself with food, you will become more loving and gentle with yourself in every area of your life.

How about you? Have you made the same mistake that I have and eaten every time you thought you were hungry? Are you struggling with Intuitive Eating’s lack of structure and feeling overwhelmed by all the new freedom and choices? Please leave a comment and let me know what’s on your mind and how you are doing.

If you want some added support, I’d like to help to put the tools in your hands that will benefit you and give you a richer experience of Intuitive Eating and a faster weight loss. Join my Losing Weight without Dieting Program. We’ll be starting our new 6 week class series next Tuesday, April 17. I look forward to serving you and helping you to get back in the drivers’ seat.