Resistance is fueled by feelings of hopelessness and negativity. When you are experiencing those feelings of wanting to give up and go stick your head in the sand, it’s a natural inclination that we all have as humans. We all want to be safe. Please don’t be quite so quick to beat up on yourself. Girl, you don’t deserve that nasty kind of treatment. Don’t you think you merit more compassion toward yourself?  Instead of kicking yourself in the can, allow yourself to just become curious and be willing to explore and dig a bit further to understand what is making you feel so badly and fear change?

I’d like to invite you to do that in an environment where you can feel safe and at ease with other women also dealing with their fears and resistance. Please join my next free call on Monday, October 1 at 2:00 p.m. We’ll be handling those feelings of resistance.

Have you been struggling with emotional eating or are you frustrated by the lack of guidelines and rules, maybe you’re having a devil of a time learning the mechanics of listening to your body. Are you feeling tempted to give up and do whatever makes you feel safe? I know the feeling. I can relate to th frustration. It makes you feel so scared inside. You want to give up, don’t you?

I’ve done that more times than I can count. Today I’m braver and more persistent than I have ever been. Now I realize that it’s okay to be afraid of something and feel my fear and just do it anyway. I’m learning how to become more comfortable with resistance and learn to give it more respect. I now know that the original source behind my resistance was to serve me and I’ve just outgrown it. So we have to renegotiate in order for me to get moving again. I still fall but I don’t stay down for long, because now I have a tool to handle resistance and get unstuck. I want to share it with you.

What’s my secret weapon? It’s easy. It’s Emotional Freedom Technique. Ever since I learned how to release my fears and resistance in minutes using this incredible stress busting technique, I haven’t been the same since.

To my way of thinking, fear is just another disguise for resistance. When we resist something, we are just afraid. We don’t want something to change so we try to avoid the waves that threaten our security. We turn our heads, pretending not to see, hoping that the threat will go away. Sadly it won’t. We need to be flexible at a time like this.

I have a beloved family member who was dealt a crushing blow to his career several years ago. It seems to me that his life just stopped. His self assured style and confidence appears to have withered and died. He forgot that he was a brilliant entrepreneur, a self taught genius, a magnetic and fun personality always thinking of improving his life and making the world a better place. He got hit by a tidal wave of change and hasn’t been able to get back up since. According to him, his life has come to a crashing halt. He still has everything going for him, yet he can’t see that anymore. He’s been miserible and a loner since the event that changed his life. Yet there’s nothing that he can do about it.

Whenever I call him to check and see how he’s doing, he’s filled with anger and negativity, cursing his fate and complaining constantly. As much as I love him, I know that there’s nothing that I can do to help. He doesn’t want my help. It seems to me that he’s just given up and that he’s thrown in the towel and the establishment has won.

Despite the fact that he has loved ones who adore him and want to be with him, he’s obsessed with his fears and anger. Those are his constant companions. I hope one day soon he wakes up and realizes that the clock is ticking.

How about you? Are you feeling stuck in a rut, resisting change? Has something stopped working in your life that has caused you to feel paralyzed? No matter what form it takes, resistance will suck the life right out of you.

Stop for a moment and imagine how awful life would be if you are unable to get past your resistance? What would it stop you from achieving? What dreams would you have to give up in order to curry favor with your resistance? Are you willing to do that?

Come join my next Juicy Woman Fabulous, Fit and Free Call and bring those little resistant buggers that have been tossing a wet blaket on your success.