I’ve been a non dieter for nearly 7 years. And of all the books, tapes and CDs that I’ve purchased on the subject, I most adore Dr. Nancy Bonios’ Beyond Dieting program. It’s composed of a set of 8 audio casssettes (yes, cassettes), 1 videotape and a summary guidebook. I love Dr. B’s program so much because she understands the need to combine the practical with an understanding of the scientific. It is through her work that I first learned how our thoughts can make us fat. And this tidbit is just one of the gems of this program that teaches you how to control your weight without ever having to diet again. I highly recommend it.

I’ve been a non dieter for nearly 7 years. And of all the books, tapes and CDs
that I’ve purchased on the subject, I most adore Dr. Nancy Bonios’ Beyond Dieting program. It’s composed of a set of 8 audio casssettes (yes, cassettes),  1 videotape and a summary guidebook.

I love Dr. B’s program so much because she understands the importance of combining the practical with an understanding of the scientific.

It is through her work that I first learned how our thoughts can make us fat. When I first heard this, I was very skeptical, and yet blown away by the possibility. I knew I had to check it out before I shared it with you. So I immediately contacted her source,  a scientist, Dr. Paul Ernsberger.  And he responded with an email to me confirming that the information shared in the book is indeed a proven scientific fact.

And this is just one small gem of discovery that you’ll get from listening to Dr. Nancy’s Beyond Dieting program.

As a doctor, herself Dr. Nancy Bonios shares the wealth of her experience and takes the listener step by step through the process of moving beyond dieting towards what she calls a naturally thin way of living.

I’ve got to tell you I love her program so much and listen to it so often that I actually wore out my tapes. Didn’t even know that was possible. But anyhu, since they unfortunately don’t have a website, I just purchased another set on Amazon. Check and see if there are anymore there. if not, you can purchase them directly from the publisher; Chatham Institute.

For more information and to purchase your own copy of the program, call or write:

Chatham Institute, Inc.
127 Main Street
Chatham, NJ  07928
(800) 760-5490

And if you’re looking to go beyond beyond, beyond, Dr. B’s Beyond Dieting program, and you want even more real and practical tips on making peace with food and friends with your body, then I’ve got what you’re looking for.

I’ve developed a 7 step system that begins where Dr. B’s ends. To learn more about my RECLAIM method, I’d like to invite you to join my Juicy Woman Yahoo group. Here’s the link to register:



Dr. Nancy Bonios, Beyond Dieting, self image, The Juicy Woman, Andrea Amador, Lovin’ the Skin You’re In, Chatham Institute, The Bonios Plan Beyond Dieting,