Since the brain can not tell the difference between an imagined thought and reality, your beliefs have a major impact on the success or failure of any weight loss plan. Science has proven that there is a definite mind body link that creates a powerful interplay between your thoughts and your body. For more information, read my February Newsletter article, “Can Your Thoughts Make You Fat?”

To leverage that mind/body connection and make it work for you, you must be vigilant and take control of your thinking. It is so important to be the guardian and gatekeeper of your thoughts. Naturally everyone has negative ideas and beliefs swimming around in their heads. What can you do about it?

You wonder if you’re up to a challenge, you fear things, you recall negative things that you have been told as a child. You’ve endured the sarcastic remarks of other kids and been the butt of jokes as a chubby kid. Most likely there’s a constant generative recording rolling around in your head every moment that reflects the sum total of all of your life’s experiences.

If you’ve had many of these ‘negative’ learning experiences in your life, then much of your self talk will reflect that same ‘negative’ energy. Don’t fret. That doesn’t mean that you are doomed to suffer forever. By using techniques to reprogram your subconscious mind, you can easily neutralize the negative charge around your stinking thinking.

It’s not hard. It just requires a bit of awareness. Whenever you have a negative thought, stop for a moment. Pay attention to it and replace it with a new loving and gentle belief, thought or image that is more useful to you.

These are some suggestions that will put your fat thinking on the fast track to weight loss:

  • Stop weighing yourself
  • Journal when you notice that you are reaching for food for comfort
  • Use tapping to deal with feelings of deprivation and guilt
  • Focus each day on visualizing an outcome and see the ‘thinner’ you
  • Pay more attention to the tastes and textures of foods
  • Treat yourself as you would a best friend or loved one

You can certainly do this on your own and I applaud your brave efforts, however if you want a bit of help, you can always join a support program. Support and buddy work is key in creating and affirming new habits.

What do you think of all this? I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments. Have you done any inside out changework and how has that affected you? Please share your experiences by clicking on the word, comments beneath this post.



Back in October of 2004, I participated in an event in Dallas called Gather The Women.  It was earthshattering! The Gather the Woman Global Matrix was a gathering of 250 women from around the globe, from New York to Bombay to Down Under.

Over 60 nations of women were represented. You can find out more information about this extraordinary organization by going to
The purpose of the 8 day conference was to martial the resources of the women from around the world in order to bring about peace on a global level.

At the event, there were speakers, workshops, meditations, ceremonies and a spirit of real sisterhood.
Like many other women, I was drawn to the event because it aligned with my higher purpose and mission, to teach and empower other women.  I wanted to share a gift that I had been given. Freedom!

A couple of months earlier, I had experienced an extraordinary personal transformation when an NLP colleague of mine used a simple tapping process on me called Emotional Freedom Technique to short circuit the painful emotional charge of old memories of sexual abuse from my childhood.

Since that moment, I have not felt the intense feelings and pain associated with that time ever again.  Those few moments of having her tap on my forehead, hand and various points around my eyes, face and underarms ended my 37 year period of stagnation of hiding my gifts, being afraid of people and years of self hatred. The power and effects of those few moments have led me to alter my path to share my incredible story and this healing process with other women.

I welcome you with open arms to join me on my FREE weekly Juicy Woman Party Call.  It is safe space of supportive women involved in expanding beyond their limitations.  On the call, I teach the women techniques to challenge them to be more of the Juicy Women they truly are! For more information and to join the weekly call, please register on my website at or send me an email at [email protected]. It would be my honor to serve you and to nurture and support your evolution as a Juicy Woman.