Despite knowing that tapping really works, I’ve been getting feedback from many of my clients that they are not using their EFT skills.

To be honest, I’ve also been resistant to doing my own tapping as many of my other clients have. This is a problem that has frustrated me for awhile. It has led me on a quest to seek out a solution to the problem not only for my clients but also for myself.

Recently I stuck gold and found something that will work. I’d like to share it with you.

As you may already know, I’ve been studying the science of Psycho Cybernetics. It was created by Dr. Maxwell Maltz. He was a plastic surgeon who discovered that some people suffer from what he called a fat or ugly self image. As I understand it, this is the root cause to the resistance to our tapping.

When you have an internal conflict between parts of yourself, the part that gets the most benefit, is the one that wins. For example, If you link up being thin with something that threatens you, then your subconscious mind will do whatever it needs to protect you from the impending threat, keeping you in a pattern of self sabotage. That means either you will remain the same weight or gain weight depending upon the degree of the perceived threat.

Let’s take for example a belief that you may feel. Perhaps you feel unworthy of being slender and feeling great and being more vibrant and sexy. If that feels like a threat, a part of you shuts down and is unwilling to make the effort to do things that will challenge that negative self image. This is the reason for many of my client’s and my own justifications that we ‘forget’ to tap. Our subconscious minds are holding us in patterns of sabotage. It’s true that by tapping this can be overturned, but if there is resistance to tapping, and the body conspires by ‘forgetting’ to tap, what can you do?

Dr. Maltz recognized that this tendency to sabotage and forget to do the things that support building a new self image can be reversed by using visualization skills to reconstruct the self image and flood the brain with new ‘memories’ of a positive self concept that is parallel with a healthy self image. In essence, this is the Law of Attraction at work. By setting down an intention of recreating your self image, you will flush away the old one and in its place, have a new strong slender self image set in your brain, packed with new memories to support its belief structures.

In order to support many of my clients who have been ‘forgetting’ to tap as well as myself, I’ve decided to create a pilot program that will run for 13 weeks, with several breaks in between for implementation.

In that program, there is absolutely no tapping involved. We’ll be doing a lot of NLP, TAT and Psycho Cybernetics. I will also offer you a weekly meditation and on each of the calls we’ll do a guided visualization each time. It will focus on doing things that support our new vision of how we want to be. There will also be a practical component to it which will involve goal setting, measuring and doing the things that are necessary to support the vision. There is no prerequisite as far as Intuitive Eating, however I would recommend that for all my clients. I will also share Connirae Andreas’ Naturally Slender Eating Strategy in the program.

The name of the program is Self Image Makeover: 90 Days To A Slim, Savvy Naturally Slender You!

  I hope you can join us. I’m fully vested, how about you?
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