For years, I defined myself by what people said about me. If someone said I was stupid, then automatically I felt sorry for myself because I felt stupid and unworthy. If I was told that I was fat, ugly or naive, then I acted out those roles also.

I lived in a very small emotional box in that I felt completely unable to express the large majority of my feelings. My only way of expressing myself was through crying. If I was angry, I cried. If I was hurt, I cried. I cried for just about anything. This was so, not because I was so sensitive, although I am, but because my emotions were so blocked.

In 2004, I learned a simple technique that gave me back the power to unblock, release and finally express my own feelings and emotions. I didn’t have to continue to play the part of the victim and continue to replay the hurtful events from my past of being criticised and judged by my weight and my imperfections. Using this technique, I began to discover lost parts of me that ached for expression. Those were the parts of me that used food to soothe my pain.

The technique is called Emotional Freedom Technique and it’s incredibly powerful. In this 3rd free audio of my 5 part series on Losing Weight without Dieting, I explain a bit about the benefits of EFT, how it has freed me from judging myself through the eyes of others and living in the past. If its’ done all that for me, imagine what it can do for you!