In my last post, I shared the last of the free audios that I have in my Losing Weight without Dieting Series. On Audio #5, I described a process of how I used Emotional Freedom Technique, a simple tapping process derived from Acupuncture. I shared how I applied EFT to working with cravings in a group setting of several women working together with me in a class setting on the telephone.

What a kick! Within minutes, they were shocked to find that they no longer craved the temptation that was in front of them. That’s right. The food was actually placed before them as they held the receiver in their hand. They were close enough to smell the food and if they wanted to, even taste it.

It was miraculous! All the women were amazed when they saw how effective Emotional Freedom Technique is in moving them beyond their cravings. The truth of why this works is because your cravings are the result of a hidden need that has gone unrecognized in you. As a result, the food you crave triggers in you a feeling that yearns for whatever it is you are lacking. When you address that deeper need, and tap on certain key acupressure points, you neutralize the desire for the food, putting you in a position of choice. You can either eat the food or not. You are in control.

If you would like to learn more about how to use EFT to eliminate cravings, you may want to purchase my CD of one of my Craving Zapping Soirees. It is called, “Get the Fat Out of Your Head: Change Your Thoughts to Shape Your Body. “

As an added benefit in the CD, I teach the women a process called Grid Clearing which is another relaxation process that was created by Grant Connolly, the inventor of the ZPoint Process.

If you’re a gal struggling with cravings, feeling that every goodie that is around is a temptation, you owe it to yourself to get your hands on this CD. I guarantee that you’ll never feel helpless around a craving again.