For the past several weeks I’ve been actively working to build my business by reading and applying the information in Jack Canfield’s book, The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. The impetus for this decision came as a result of realizing that I have been living for far too long in a serious scarcity mentality. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I first recognized this truth. I had always attributed scarcity with not having money. Since I was raised in a well to do home and have had no real issues with money for most of my life, I thought that I was insulated from that thinking. I realized that was not the case and recognize that my beliefs around money and value has been a big reason why I have eaten out of frustration for many years.

Like many women, I grew up with a very strong, powerfully dominant father presence in my life. My dad raised me with very clear cut ideas about what women could and could not do in business and in life in general. Like many people, he said one thing and did another, leaving me to wonder what was really true. As a child, I considered him my hero, and believed everything he said without question. He told me that I could achieve anything that I wanted and to reach for my goals. Yet when I had the unique occasion to run a business with him, I learned firsthand what he valued most of all, money. If it couldn’t be measured in dollars and cents, he didn’t see the value in it. We got into constant arguments over this, and the stress of it caused a lot of distance and pain.

Now looking back I realize that it’s not personal. Dad’s just Dad, and I’m just me. We’re two people who are just different. Here’s the important take away for you:You’ve been unfairly judged by others, probably criticized and hurt. It’s important to keep in mind that these people who have hurt you have done so because they are/were judging you based on their values and what’s important to them. You on the other hand have your own individual way of looking at and doing things and that is what is important to you; to discover what works for you, rather than live by the impossible standards of judgment and condemnation that has been imposed upon you by others. Go shopping for some new beliefs. Talk to people who you admire and find out what beliefs are working for them. You can use EFT to install any new belief.

Take a moment and ask yourself today, “Whose voice is in my head?” If you notice an internal voice that is critical and angry, putting you down and making you want to run to the fridge, then ask yourself, How much longer am I willing to live with this voice telling me what I can and can not do? The wonderful news is that you’re no longer that same little helpless child who had to accept all that abuse or criticism. Now you can strike out and find some new beliefs that really work to empower you. If you’re looking for a great way to challenge old beliefs, I highly recommend purchasing any of Gary Craig’s set of EFT DVDs. There’s a huge wonderful library from which to choose or get started with the free 79 page download Ebook. Enjoy! Either way, new beliefs are yours for the taking. You don’t have to stay stuck anymore!