by Andrea Amador | Jun 7, 2007 | Make Peace with Food, Stress-Relief
Ladies, are you tired of seeing yourself as fat, ugly and worthless? Can’t stop beating up on your body because you eat to comfort your hurts? Would you like to regain poise around food, eating and love yourself more? If you’re like me, you’ve used food for most of...
by Andrea Amador | May 31, 2007 | Make Peace with Food
I’ve been a non dieter for nearly 7 years. And of all the books, tapes and CDs that I’ve purchased on the subject, I most adore Dr. Nancy Bonios’ Beyond Dieting program. It’s composed of a set of 8 audio casssettes (yes, cassettes), 1 videotape...
by Andrea Amador | May 31, 2007 | Make Peace with Food
When I first decided that I would become an Intuitive Eater, I was thrilled beyond words at the prospect of being able to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. With the only guideline being to wait until I got hungry, I had carte blanche to eat all the time, or...
by Andrea Amador | May 26, 2007 | Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), It's All Just Energy, Make Peace with Food
Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed a trend. Many of my clients in my Losing Weight without Dieting Program have been experiencing resistance. After several weeks of great success, changed habits, more mindful eating, and paying attention to their hunger, several of...
by Andrea Amador | Apr 11, 2007 | Make Peace with Food, Self-Promotion
This morning I finally stepped on the scale after what must have been a 4 month hiatus from my daily habit of weighing myself. The number wasn’t shocking in fact I already knew it, down to the pound; 198. Before I began the Intuitive Eating process without using any...
by Andrea Amador | Apr 11, 2007 | Make Peace with Food, Stress-Relief, Supreme Self-Care, Tame Your Inner Critic
In the April issue of The American Psychologist, the Journal of the American Psychological Association UCLA researchers reported that diets don’t work in the long term. Here’s the skinny on their findings: Dieting does not work, researchers...