I just uploaded a new video and wanted to share it with you. It’s been ages since I last blogged and I’ve missed you all. I’ve been buried in working on my first book, “Lovin’ the Skin You’re In: The Juicy Woman’s Guide to Making Peace with Food and Friends with Your Body.

I promise. You’re going to see a lot more of me lately. I have tons of great things to share with you and I’m eager to promote many of my upcoming products and programs.

Two and a half years when I first made the decision to stop dieting, I had no clue that it would have such incredible ripple effects in my life. In attempting to navigate my way around learning how to eat intuitively, I gained 35 pounds and went from a size 10 to a size 22. It was probably the most humbling and important learning experience in my life.

When I finally found the secret to put a cap on my voracious appetite, I realized that I had to deal with the bugaboos in my life that I had been avoiding. I also finally understood that I would never get out of the loop of emotional eating, if I didn’t first accept my body as it was.

By making those two changes, It’s transformed the way that I think about my body and how I live my life. Now I realize that it truly is not what you’re eating, it’s what’s eating you!

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As I share in parts of my book, this has been an incredible journey of self awareness and love. Over the past year with all the challenge that I’ve faced in my personal life, if I would not have given up dieting, I would probably have gained about 100 pounds. Today I’m incredibly thankful to finally love the skin I’m in. As I continue to commit to doing that more and more, taking daily action to honor my thoughts and needs, I watch my body reshape and get smaller. I now love myself more at a size 16, than I ever did at a size 8. That’s because I’ve learned to become my own best friend and accept the good, bad and ugly parts of me.

If you want to know more about how you can love your thighs at any size, snag a copy of my Juicy Woman Lovin’ the Skin You’re In Sampler. You can also download a free excerpt of my upcoming book. Stay tuned for lots of juicy goodies coming up.

Video: The Juicy Woman Deals with Mental Clutter