by Andrea Amador | Nov 16, 2006 | Make Peace with Food
Last night, I held my 4th class in a 6 part series for women called Losing Weight Without Dieting. It’s just a working title so I welcome any suggestions. On the call last night, one of the women named Jewel shared her experience of my program over the past few...
by Andrea Amador | Nov 14, 2006 | Binge-Busting, Stress-Relief
A friend and brilliant colleague of mine, Marcia Merrill, The Transition Chick, forwarded an email to me. As I read it, something caught my eye. “People Come Into Our Life For A Reason, A Season Or A Lifetime.” That made me think. I’m sure, like me, you’ve...
by Andrea Amador | Nov 13, 2006 | Stress-Relief
Last year I participated in an amazing program called The Certified Energy Coach Program. In that program, I learned a ton of great tools that have quantum leaped my clients’ progress. I love the program and passionately use everything I’ve learned there. One of the...
by Andrea Amador | Nov 5, 2006 | Make Peace with Food
A few days ago, my daughter, Cara and I decided to bake a pie. Since I’ve changed my eating habits, eat what I want and tune into my hunger, I’ve taught her how to do the same. Now both of us are losing weight naturally. As we peeled and cut the apples, I...
by Andrea Amador | Nov 4, 2006 | Make Peace with Food
When was the last time that you actually ate exactly what you wanted? 197– who knows! Too long ago! You’re probably a busy gal, running a business, a family and always on the go. Me too. I’ll bet that you’re also struggling with your weight,...
by Andrea Amador | Oct 23, 2006 | Stress-Relief, Supreme Self-Care, Tame Your Inner Critic
Barraged by negative thoughts about your body? Can’t stay on a diet? Tired of always being such a careful eater and still carrying around excess baggage? How would you feel if I told you that you create your own reality by the thoughts that you think. The truth...
by Andrea Amador | Oct 1, 2006 | Binge-Busting, Body Respect, Coaching, Creating Confidence, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Health At Every Size, Inspiration, Intuitive Eating, It's All Just Energy, Law of Attraction, Make Peace with Food, Mind/Body Connection, Power of Role Models, Setting Boundaries, Stress-Relief, Supreme Self-Care, Tame Your Inner Critic
I just had a big Aha come to me. This evening I decided that I wanted to do some writing. Being a lazy day at the Amadors, the family unanimously agreed that dinner would be catch as catch can, TV dinners, left overs, etc. After spending the day with the family, my...
by Andrea Amador | Sep 28, 2006 | Binge-Busting, Body Respect, Bust Out of Body Shame, Coaching, Creating Confidence, Supreme Self-Care, Tame Your Inner Critic
Do you ever sense that there’s a part of you that just wants to see you suffer, make you miserable? Does it sometimes feel like you are your own worst enemy? I’ll bet that there are some times when the voices inside your head pushed you to do things that you really...
by Andrea Amador | Sep 25, 2006 | Binge-Busting, Bust Out of Body Shame, Setting Boundaries
Back in 2006, my mom, Doris was suffering from a severe case of depression. She had recently returned home from a stay at a Psychiatric Hospital in Florida. I knew when I heard the story of how she bit the police officer that she needed mental care. I remember the...
by Andrea Amador | Sep 23, 2006 | Stress-Relief, Supreme Self-Care
Last week, I was in Manhattan in the Chelsea section and had some time to kill before an appointment. I noticed a little quilt shop around the corner from my meeting place, It was called The City Quilter. The colorful display in the window drew me like a moth to the...