by Andrea Amador | Mar 19, 2008 | Coaching, Creating Confidence, Health At Every Size, Sexy At Every Size, Stress-Relief, Supreme Self-Care, Tame Your Inner Critic, Your Thoughts Count
BlogHer has begun a new initiative. Suzanne Reisman started a campaign called, “Letter to My Body.” encouraging women to write letters to their bodies and begin a much needed, long awaited conversation with their bodies. As a woman who has spent much of my...
by Andrea Amador | Feb 6, 2008 | Binge-Busting, Body Respect, Bust Out of Body Shame, Creating Confidence, Self-Compassion As Strength, Supreme Self-Care
Weight Obsession is a national pastime. Most women say they hate their bodies because they are too fat. Being obsessed with how I looked has certainly been a big part of my life. I’ve spent years as a frustrated woman, bouncing back and forth from diet to diet,...
by Andrea Amador | Feb 1, 2008 | Binge-Busting, Body Respect, Health At Every Size, Inspiration, Intuitive Eating, Make Peace with Food, Mind/Body Connection, Power of Role Models, R.E.C.L.A.I.M. System, Self-Compassion As Strength, Setting Boundaries, Stress-Relief, Supreme Self-Care, Tame Your Inner Critic
Today I woke up quite early, around 5:00 a.m. I ran right into my office and began finishing up the tasks that I had left over from yesterday. I have been working on a new article and a survey. It’s for women to take to determine if they are obsessed by food and...
by Andrea Amador | Nov 14, 2007 | Make Peace with Food, Stress-Relief, Supreme Self-Care
I want to offer you my deepest apologies for this long absence. For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been hit with a awful flu that kept me out of the office until very recently. In keeping with my offer to extend this audio series and share it with you, here is...
by Andrea Amador | May 29, 2007 | Body Respect, Bust Out of Body Shame, It's All Just Energy, Mind/Body Connection, Stress-Relief, Supreme Self-Care, Tame Your Inner Critic
When you’re trying too hard to lose weight and notice that you are efforting to become an Intuitive Eater, you’re fighting an uphill battle. It’s supposed to be a natural process and that means that it requires patience. If you find that...
by Andrea Amador | May 22, 2007 | Supreme Self-Care
Motivation! Arggh. The word alone brings up a sigh of exhaustion for me and for so many other women who have learned to associate motivation with pushing hard, moving out of our comfort zone and some form of pain or another. One of the gals in my forum asked me to...