Every Thought That Feels Bad Is Bad

Do you ever find yourself running to food during times of stress in an effort to make yourself feel better without ever noticing that you’re thinking about it. It probably seems like you can’t control yourself and there’s nothing you can do but to...

Food Diary: An Objective Learning Tool to Love Yourself Past a Binge, Part 1 of 2

As a dieter your biggest challenge to ending your emotional eating is not focusing on more intently on the food you eat, its’ your willingness to question the thoughts you think. In the world of dieting we’re raised to believe in absolutes and to avoid...

Uses for EFT

You can use Emotional Freedom Technique to get relief for issues of anger, sadness, fear, shame, overwhelm. It’s used to help people to release and neutralize traumatic memories of war, rape, abuse, molestation, eliminate or alleviate physical pain. It works to...

What is EFT: Stress Relief at Your Fingertips

Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT for short is a stress relief method that is sure to help you relax and unwind and give you plenty of Ahs. It was created in the 1990’s by Stanford Engineer and Peak Performance Coach, Gary Craig. EFT is often described as a...