by Andrea Amador | Feb 6, 2008 | Binge-Busting, Body Respect, Bust Out of Body Shame, Creating Confidence, Self-Compassion As Strength, Supreme Self-Care
Weight Obsession is a national pastime. Most women say they hate their bodies because they are too fat. Being obsessed with how I looked has certainly been a big part of my life. I’ve spent years as a frustrated woman, bouncing back and forth from diet to diet,...
by Andrea Amador | Feb 1, 2008 | Binge-Busting, Body Respect, Health At Every Size, Inspiration, Intuitive Eating, Make Peace with Food, Mind/Body Connection, Power of Role Models, R.E.C.L.A.I.M. System, Self-Compassion As Strength, Setting Boundaries, Stress-Relief, Supreme Self-Care, Tame Your Inner Critic
Today I woke up quite early, around 5:00 a.m. I ran right into my office and began finishing up the tasks that I had left over from yesterday. I have been working on a new article and a survey. It’s for women to take to determine if they are obsessed by food and...
by Andrea Amador | Jan 17, 2008 | Make Peace with Food
I woke up early this morning, around 5:00 a.m., actually feeling very hungry, or so I thought. For the past several months, I’ve gotten into a comfortable pattern where I tend not to eat breakfast until about 11:30. Back in the days when I was dieting, that was...
by Andrea Amador | Jan 14, 2008 | Body Respect, Bust Out of Body Shame
Body obsession is a national pastime. Nearly 4 out of 5 women hate their bodies. As women, most of us have been taught to idolize the skinny models that adorn fashion magazines. We were also led into years of dieting dysfunction by our well meaning families and...
by Andrea Amador | Jan 11, 2008 | Make Peace with Food
Weight Watchers is playing games with people’s heads. You’ve probably seen their new slogans, “Stop Dieting, Start Living.” If you’re a woman, like me who’s spent (wasted) years of your life on Weight Watchers in an attempt to lose weight using their programs,...
by Andrea Amador | Dec 12, 2007 | Binge-Busting, Make Peace with Food
Comfort eating is triggered by feeling deprived. My husband, Angel just walked into my office with a ‘daddy sandwich’ on a plate. He paused to give me a kiss and to offer me a bite of his sandwich before he headed into his office to start the day. A Daddy sandwich is...
by Andrea Amador | Dec 6, 2007 | Binge-Busting, Body Respect, Bust Out of Body Shame
Emotional eating is stress eating. If you’re a woman who is overweight and struggling with overeating, food obsession, cravings, and hating your body, then there’s a good chance that you have binged in response to stress and overwhelm. We get bombarded by life when we...
by Andrea Amador | Dec 3, 2007 | Stress-Relief, Visualization
How many times have you wanted to do EFT to avert a craving or overcome a random kinda cruddy feeling and you just didn’t want to go through the trouble of thinking of what you wanted to say? In our busy lives, we gals can get easily overwhelmed with all the daily to...
by Andrea Amador | Nov 27, 2007 | Food, Inspiration, Intuitive Eating, Make Peace with Food
In my last post, I shared the last of the free audios that I have in my Losing Weight without Dieting Series. On Audio #5, I described a process of how I used Emotional Freedom Technique, a simple tapping process derived from Acupuncture. I shared how I applied EFT to...
by Andrea Amador | Nov 15, 2007 | Coaching, Make Peace with Food, Stress-Relief, Tame Your Inner Critic
For years, I defined myself by what people said about me. If someone said I was stupid, then automatically I felt sorry for myself because I felt stupid and unworthy. If I was told that I was fat, ugly or naive, then I acted out those roles also. I lived in a very...