My White Hot Binge

I just got back from the dentist today. Every couple of years I like to get my teeth whitened. Today was the day. At the end of the treatment, my hygienist, Linda gave me a sheet of paper indicating what foods to avoid. She told me don’t eat anything that can stain a...

Extreme Self Care For Moms

With the holidays finally behind you, wouldn’t it be nice to devote some time to taking care of yourself for a change? Aren’t you simply exhausted from the holidays? After all, with all the running around you’ve been doing, shopping, cooking, baking and gift...

Are You A Diet Survivor?

Last month I joined a Yahoo Group called Diet Survivors. It is run by a woman named Linda Moran. Linda is a deeply caring person who is an Author, Licensed Educator, and a trained Crisis Counselor. Suffice it to say that she’s a truly amazing gal. Linda created Diet...

Tapping Into the Positive

Last week on one of my Losing Weight Without Dieting calls, one of my clients asked me this question: “Can you tap in a positive suggestion to reprogram your subconscious mind?” The answer is: Absolutely Yes. You can. Here is an example as taught by Dr....