by Andrea Amador | Jan 24, 2007 | Binge-Busting
I just got back from the dentist today. Every couple of years I like to get my teeth whitened. Today was the day. At the end of the treatment, my hygienist, Linda gave me a sheet of paper indicating what foods to avoid. She told me don’t eat anything that can stain a...
by Andrea Amador | Jan 23, 2007 | Binge-Busting, Bust Out of Body Shame
Diets! How hateful are they? In my opinion, their restrictive nature keeps you tied up in knots, often causing you, the dieter to obsesss about foods in a way that is unnatural. Diets have an alarmingly low rate of success. Most people who have been on a diet and lost...
by Andrea Amador | Jan 23, 2007 | Your Thoughts Count
This evening I enjoyed a lively chat with several Juicy Woman colleagues of mine. We discussed the importance of being able to visualize goals by creating a clear image of what you desire. By having a clearly defined image, your brain has a place to ‘hang its...
by Andrea Amador | Jan 9, 2007 | Binge-Busting, Bust Out of Body Shame, Creating Confidence, Intuitive Eating, Make Peace with Food
As you begin your journey along the road to non diet weight loss, you can expect to experience many changes. One of my Losing Weight Without Dieting graduates, Linda, says, “many of the foods that you thought you loved, you won’t even like anymore. In fact, you’ll...
by Andrea Amador | Jan 5, 2007 | Inspiration, Power of Role Models, R.E.C.L.A.I.M. System, Setting Boundaries, Supreme Self-Care, Tame Your Inner Critic
Over the past 81 days, I’ve been leading a team of professionals in creating information products in an amazing program called, “The 90 Day Product Factory.” (If you’re looking to create a killer information product in less than 90 days with a team of support,...
by Andrea Amador | Dec 26, 2006 | Body Respect, Setting Boundaries
With the holidays finally behind you, wouldn’t it be nice to devote some time to taking care of yourself for a change? Aren’t you simply exhausted from the holidays? After all, with all the running around you’ve been doing, shopping, cooking, baking and gift...
by Andrea Amador | Dec 17, 2006 | Binge-Busting, Body Respect, Bust Out of Body Shame, Coaching, Creating Confidence, Food, Health At Every Size, Inspiration, Intuitive Eating, Make Peace with Food, Power of Role Models, Self-Compassion As Strength, Setting Boundaries, Supreme Self-Care, Tame Your Inner Critic
Last month I joined a Yahoo Group called Diet Survivors. It is run by a woman named Linda Moran. Linda is a deeply caring person who is an Author, Licensed Educator, and a trained Crisis Counselor. Suffice it to say that she’s a truly amazing gal. Linda created Diet...
by Andrea Amador | Dec 6, 2006 | Coaching, Depression, Mind/Body Connection, Self-Compassion As Strength, Stress-Relief, Supreme Self-Care, Tame Your Inner Critic, Your Thoughts Count
This morning I received an email from a reader named Sharon in Australia. Sharon mentioned that she is happier when she is not dieting. However now and again she falls back into the clutches of the old diet mentality and gives in. She mentions that one of her biggest...
by Andrea Amador | Dec 5, 2006 | Stress-Relief
Last week on one of my Losing Weight Without Dieting calls, one of my clients asked me this question: “Can you tap in a positive suggestion to reprogram your subconscious mind?” The answer is: Absolutely Yes. You can. Here is an example as taught by Dr....
by Andrea Amador | Nov 21, 2006 | Make Peace with Food
Are you still on a diet struggling with the emotions that crop up around Thanksgiving I know. It can be so hard. Holidays represent a mixed bag of associations, some good, some bad. Often during this time of year, you are faced with so many tempting foods,...