Extreme Self Care For Moms

With the holidays finally behind you, wouldn’t it be nice to devote some time to taking care of yourself for a change? Aren’t you simply exhausted from the holidays? After all, with all the running around you’ve been doing, shopping, cooking, baking and gift...

Are You A Diet Survivor?

Last month I joined a Yahoo Group called Diet Survivors. It is run by a woman named Linda Moran. Linda is a deeply caring person who is an Author, Licensed Educator, and a trained Crisis Counselor. Suffice it to say that she’s a truly amazing gal. Linda created Diet...

Assert Yourself To Maximize Eating Satisfaction and Inhibit Bingeing

I just had a big Aha come to me. This evening I decided that I wanted to do some writing. Being a lazy day at the Amadors, the family unanimously agreed that dinner would be catch as catch can, TV dinners, left overs, etc. After spending the day with the family, my...

Destructive Emotions Live Rent Free In Your Body… Until You Evict Them!

Do you ever sense that there’s a part of you that just wants to see you suffer, make you miserable? Does it sometimes feel like you are your own worst enemy? I’ll bet that there are some times when the voices inside your head pushed you to do things that you really...