How to Support Your Child to Make Peace with Food and Friends with Their Body – Momday Mondays On The Juicy Woman Blog

Are you the mother of a child who is becoming an emotional eater? Are you seeing signs of food sneaking, closet eating, plate envy or any other shame-filled food related behaviors in your kids? Do you feel helpless and hopeless standing by watching them abuse...

A New Series: The Myths and Fallacies That Are Keeping You Fat

How many times do you eat automatically without thinking, just because the clock tells you that it’s meal time? As a mother, raising kids, it’s necessary to have some type of schedule. Without it, a mother’s life would be chaotic, with everyone...

How to Keep a Happy Tummy, Pantry and Refrigerator: Clearing the Clutter, Pt. 1 of 2

Does your refrigerator look like a toxic waste dump? How many times do you find yourself tossing out what used to be perfectly good food in the garbage because it’s gone stale, rancid or grown moldy? Let’s admit it. No matter what type of food you choose to eat, or...