by Andrea Amador | Mar 20, 2012 | Food
Have you ever paid $5 for a pint of raspberries only to toss them out because they were all fuzzy and moldy? Has that ever happened to you before you even got home? Let me share a berry saving tip with you that I learned today....
by Andrea Amador | Mar 3, 2012 | Stress-Relief, Uncategorized
Been wondering why Andrea’s posts have gotten spotty over the past few months? Here’s an update to tell you where she’s been and where she’s going....
by Andrea Amador | Feb 26, 2012 | Body Respect, Make Peace with Food, Setting Boundaries
When you’re driving to get to a destination, if you’ve fallen off course, you can tell that you’re lost by looking at the signs. but many of us, including me often don’t pay attention. Well it’s rare that I don’t pay attention,...
by Andrea Amador | Jan 6, 2012 | Binge-Busting, Bust Out of Body Shame, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Creating Confidence, Health At Every Size
Every year in January the networks are glutted with new commercials of celebrities endorsing weight loss programs and products. It’s been years since I’ve made the decision to stop using dieting and food deprivation to control my eating. And for the most part I’ve...
by Andrea Amador | Dec 29, 2011 | Binge-Busting, Body Respect, Make Peace with Food, Power of Role Models, R.E.C.L.A.I.M. System
If you’ve been putting on the holiday pounds, better think twice before you run back to dieting. Somebody tell that to singer, Jessica Simpson. Looks like she’s about to be the next diet casualty in the weight watchin’ wars. If you’re...
by Andrea Amador | Dec 22, 2011 | Body Respect, Bust Out of Body Shame, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Power of Role Models, Self-Compassion As Strength, Sexy At Every Size
It’s important to you to feel beautiful. Isn’t it? I’m sure it is. And I feel exactly the same way. Most women to some degree can relate to having a value around looking pretty. But if you’re overweight, feeling frumpy and dumpy, it’s not...
by Andrea Amador | Dec 1, 2011 | Binge-Busting, Body Respect, Bust Out of Body Shame, Creating Confidence, Inspiration, Power of Role Models, R.E.C.L.A.I.M. System, Self-Compassion As Strength, Setting Boundaries, Sexy At Every Size, Stress-Relief
If you’re a curvy gal, feeling stuck hating your body, don’t vow to start another diet. That won’t help you end your emotional eating. You’ve got to release your resistance and start living your life now. Stop weighting for perfect and saying...
by Andrea Amador | Nov 29, 2011 | Binge-Busting, Intuitive Eating
If you’re a woman who’s been dieting or watching your weight for awhile, there’s a good chance that you’ve lost touch with your body’s hunger signals. Did you know that your body is actually your best source of natural non diet weight...
by Andrea Amador | Nov 27, 2011 | Coaching, It's All Just Energy, Supreme Self-Care
Your body holds the key that will guide you to release your weight safely and slowly without ever dieting again. if you’re looking for lasting change and you want to learn how to manage your emotional eating, you have to learn how to master food. And diets will...
by Andrea Amador | Nov 25, 2011 | Binge-Busting, Body Respect, Bust Out of Body Shame
With yesterday being Thanksgiving here in the US, did you overdo it? Was the pecan pie calling your name or was the stuffing so good you kept going back for more? Stop beating up on yourself. Want to find out how to get free from the body hating trap...