A Dose of Perception Correction: The Cure for the “I’m so Fat and Ugly” Blues

If you’re struggling with a fat and ugly self image, dieting is not the solution for you. Unless you change the way that you see yourself first, you’ll always think of yourself as being cursed. Your change must start in your head before it can manifest in...

A New Series: The Myths and Fallacies That Are Keeping You Fat

How many times do you eat automatically without thinking, just because the clock tells you that it’s meal time? As a mother, raising kids, it’s necessary to have some type of schedule. Without it, a mother’s life would be chaotic, with everyone...

A Test of Strength: It’s When Things Seem Worst that You Mustn’t Quit

Sometimes you have to release the past, along with your old negative self image, in order to open a window and breathe in the sweet smell of self acceptance, compassion and love...